Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 45 - Picture Play

I signed up for Clickinmom class and wanted to show everyone what I did for my week 1 assignment.  Here goes...

Here's my first play:
SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera).

1) I first adjusted on ACR and adjusted my WB to what pleases my eyes.

2) Then played with blend modes with adjusting the opacity varying from 35%-60%.


3) Next, I merged the layers.

4) And created another for dodge and burn layer. I specifially do it in the eye, nose, lilps and hair areas.

5) Since I see "white" eyeballs looks a little blewish. I created another layer and used white brush adjusting the opacity. Another layer for the black brush for the iris since I see the blue matress reflection (which bothers me a lot). Then adjusted opacity again.

6) Merged layers. I cropped out some white sky since it destructs my eyes.

7) Used spot healing brush for some unwanted stuffs in the eyes and lips. Put a very light pink blush in her cheeks.

8) Lastly, I did use unsharp mask with the entire image and merged all layers. Here goes my result.

And the second:

1) Edited in ACR for white balance adjustments.

 2) Applied changes on blend modes with dodge and burn

3) Tested black and white conversion. And found that her eye bags are a little bit dark so I did dodge and burn again with some gausian blur on it. I did separate layer for eyes and see if sharpening will have an effect on it

4) My final output.