Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week 44 - So Nice To Meet You Little Miss

Too busy the last few weeks and needed to catch up on my photo project.  Well here's my piece for the week.

The red princesses of Dubai.

And my favorite,,,

See you both again!


  1. Your B&W photo is GORGEOUS! Nice job.

  2. Beautiful girl!! Love the red dress, so girly.

  3. Awww...that last one is my fave too. Such a pretty girl. :)

  4. Beautiful! I especially love your B&W conversion!

  5. I love the B&W shot.... her eyes are divine!! And the red dress is stunning :)

  6. I love the b/w...really draws me into to her eyes. One very nit-picky comment I the third one, I think showing the left and bottom edge of the dress would have made for a stronger composition. I realize this may have been too difficult based on the lens and your location - so just a suggestion for future. I love her looking up and her expression is so genuine in this photograph. Great job!

  7. thanks everyone.... the parents loved it too. i'm so inspired again...

    Stacey,,, yes it was so difficult to get the pose. the first little miss was so hesitant to take the shot. she doesn't want to wear the dress. but managed to get some cute ones (in my eyes).
