Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Shift!

For anyone who is still lingering over here…

I've decided to shift to a new blog.  To go there, please click this link:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 50 - Happy Birthday To You Lolo Fred

Happy birthday to you! Shu!
Happy birthday to you! Shu!

It was his grandfather's 65th birthday last 30th of August.
We prepared a birthday gift.  And look at how excited Albert was. Jumping all around waiting for the cake.

We were singing the birthday song but everytime he blows the candle off.

You can find the excitement in his eyes. Look at it.
And I love those pouty lips.

 And when we were done. Too much disappointment for him.

Cried to ask some more candles to blow.....

Request granted! And the blowing begins again.

And some more.....


And although he still wanted some more, we stopped before we burn our house.

Albert didn't want that and he begged and he begged. You can see from his eyes.

Thought of another thing.  Beer!

Oh well,,,, the love for a beer runs in the family. 

Poor Albert... so tired of jumping, blowing and drinking.

And for you Lolo Fred.  Happy Birthday! See you soon!!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week 49 - Another Mommy To Be

Photographing moms-to-be for me is such a delight.  It's such a nice feeling preserving a woman's most loved moments.  Knowing the fulfillment of being a mother, I know how it feels that every moment in life is such a miracle.  The curves, beauty and simplicity of a pregnant woman is much of excitement and would want to photograph the glow on a woman's beauty. 

It is so often that pregnant women feel less than fabulous at this time but being lured to love on maternity photograpahy, I'm trying to let a mom-to-be feel beautiful and celebrate how blessed their curved bellies are.

For me it is timeless, rewarding and most of all, it shows how mothers love unconditionally.

From what I've said, it is what my newly found friend, Bea felt.    Thanks to Sarah, I have met her.  The truth and all honesty, I find her to be so sweet and seen that her husband loves her. 

And although I find it cheesy and mushy, the parents-to-be are so incredibly beautiful.

Bea did felt very comfortable in front of my camera. I enjoyed every single pose and outfit changes she did.

 And I loved that she trusted me to take in control and even play with my creativity.  And for sure, the phrase beside this favorite pose of her is felt by every mommy to be.

Lastly, I thank her for giving me the chance to capture her baby bump before the little boy in her says HELLO to the world.  I'm looking forward for another chance to capture a special addition to your family!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 48 - Birthday Model

Yep... the title pretty much sums it all up. I've always love to take a picture of my cousin but she always refuse. And last Friday when testing a seamless white background shot, I forced her to pose. =)

She was lovely. Long legged Julie Ann could pass as a model. I just love photographing her.

I love this one.  Inspite of the wispy strings of hair in her face, I caught a glimpse of her soul from her eyes... it speaks simplicity.

Session all done.... I enjoyed it.  Hope to trick you to posing some more.  You are beautiful inside and out.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 47 - Sweet Slumber

As promised from last week, another set from our session.

Without further ado, my sweet slumber poser.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Week 46 - Happy Birthday Daniel

I have spent quite a bit of time with this little charmer. I've received a call from a fellow photography enthusiast (Arlene, thanks on these!) if I wanted to shoot a newborn. Well well, since newborn is my favorite, I instantly said Yes. I scheduled the shoot practically four hours after receiving the call. And to much excitement, I dig out my shelves and sorted out what props I should be using. From blankets to towels, bean bag to shawls, the heater and of cors my own crochet hat props. I love being able to add those small touches to the newborn photos I make.

So ariving on time and with loads of stuff, husband dear and I immediately set the things (thanks daddy!). The room was warm and I can feel the excitement of everybody. But I am so sorry I had to ask them out (even husband dear) because the little Daniel is getting cranky. He knows everyone's eyes are on him. And when he settled, session started. Daddy Kirbz was such a good support to Mommy Ems and me. He's such a stage daddy.

Here are a few images from one super newborn session we had last Friday. You'll be seeing a lot more of him here on the blog coming up real soon!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 45 - Picture Play

I signed up for Clickinmom class and wanted to show everyone what I did for my week 1 assignment.  Here goes...

Here's my first play:
SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera).

1) I first adjusted on ACR and adjusted my WB to what pleases my eyes.

2) Then played with blend modes with adjusting the opacity varying from 35%-60%.


3) Next, I merged the layers.

4) And created another for dodge and burn layer. I specifially do it in the eye, nose, lilps and hair areas.

5) Since I see "white" eyeballs looks a little blewish. I created another layer and used white brush adjusting the opacity. Another layer for the black brush for the iris since I see the blue matress reflection (which bothers me a lot). Then adjusted opacity again.

6) Merged layers. I cropped out some white sky since it destructs my eyes.

7) Used spot healing brush for some unwanted stuffs in the eyes and lips. Put a very light pink blush in her cheeks.

8) Lastly, I did use unsharp mask with the entire image and merged all layers. Here goes my result.

And the second:

1) Edited in ACR for white balance adjustments.

 2) Applied changes on blend modes with dodge and burn

3) Tested black and white conversion. And found that her eye bags are a little bit dark so I did dodge and burn again with some gausian blur on it. I did separate layer for eyes and see if sharpening will have an effect on it

4) My final output.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week 44 - So Nice To Meet You Little Miss

Too busy the last few weeks and needed to catch up on my photo project.  Well here's my piece for the week.

The red princesses of Dubai.

And my favorite,,,

See you both again!