Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 1

So I'm late for the first posting for my 52 Week Project. I realized it is difficult to beat the Saturday posting. I'd rather post it on Sunday morning so I could have little more time with husband dear and adorable son.

Anyway, here goes the two favorite shots of the week"
Ranking on my first was taken Friday, July 23 for a prenuptial shoot. This was done with my shutter addict classmates.

Gear: Nikon D40,Nikkor AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR, standard studio setup
Settings: f5.6, 1/15, ISO 400

Post process: Lightroom v2
Corrected crop to focus on ring as a subject.
Used tool brush for clarity and sharpness of the ring.
Online watermarking with PicMarkr!

Second on the rank was taken in an exhibition of the Saadiyat Island Cultural District which can bee seen at Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi. It was well worth the trip.

Gear: Nikon D40,Nikkor AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
Settings: f5.3, 1/30, ISO 800
Post process: Lightroom v2
Played a little with the white balance and curve.
Online watermarking with PicMarkr!

Next week, I will try my best to lower my ISO.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My 52 Week Photo Project

Let's face it; almost everyone has their own cameras. And no matter how much we take our camera out, there are a lot of pictures we could take. And I may say, I'm on a challenge these days.

I am Imelda Molina Custodio and I am based in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I've discovered a new hobby and I am doing my own 52 week project. Why 52 week not a 365 day? A photo-a-day seems like too much of a commitment to me. I'm married and we have a toddler and a busy office life in addition. If I want to develop photography, this 52 week project is perfect for this.

Here are my self impose rules for my 52 week project.

1. I have to hit the shutter button at least a week.

2. I have to choose 2 best shots of the week and post it on a latest every Saturday midnight.

3. For the two shots I had, I should post the raw and the edited versions so as to work also on my editing skill set. In editing, only light modifications shall be done.

4. Images taken by other people shall not be posted unless full credit will be given.

5. Images I took previously could show up here but I have to take in to account the date taken.

6. I’m only allowed to miss posting if I have technical issues with a computer, have limited access to Internet and any life threatening incidence (hope not!).

I have to do this because I need to prove that I can do good pictures. And for you guys, play nice. Leave comments and give me advice how to improve my skill.

Wish me luck!!!